
The infamous entrance to Auschwitz-Birkenau with the foreboding railway tracks

The Death March at Auschwitz

The largest of the SS concentration camps existed at the Auschwitz complex – a network of 2 large camps and 45 other satellite camps within a couple of miles of each other. The seed was sown at what is known…

A smattering of photographers on a cold wintry morning on Charles Bridge in Prague

A Day on Prague’s Charles Bridge

In the list of iconic places to photograph across Europe, the Charles Bridge in Prague clearly ranks in the Top 10. And justifiably so, since it is a sight that one cannot forget, with its statues of saints rising impressively…

KGB Bar in Bratislava, Slovakia, with it’s mysterious smoke-filled atmosphere and communist era memorabilia.

Eastern European Bar Scene (Slovakia)

Since their Velvet Revolution and Velvet Divorce (so named, because there wasn’t a drop of blood shed this time around) in 1989, bars in Bratislava (and Slovakia, in general) have poked fun at their communist past, specifically building Soviet themed…

Arbeit Macht Frei - Work Will Set You Free - a sign you see as you enter Auschwitz.

From Virginia to Auschwitz

On July 24th, 1912, the first International Conference on Eugenics was held in London[1]. A veritable who’s who attended – from Winston Churchill to Alexander Graham Bell, to the famed author, H. G. Wells, who staunchly supported the “sterilization of…