
Itinerary for Traveling to Italy

Over 13 days in August of 2013, we drove through Italy covering ground from Venice to Rome, traveling through Cinque Terre, Pisa, Florence and including a fascinating journey through Tuscany. Three of these towns also made it to the list of…

The Accidental Game of Thrones at Osuna

While planning our trip across Andalusia, we decided to stay in some of the smaller White Villages that dot the region, sprawling and tumbling over sandstone-colored hilltops. Some of the notable ones – like Arcos de la Frontera and Ronda –…

The Grinch who stole Photography

It was Christmas Eve in Seville. A smattering of tourists were soaking in the last few hours before the city essentially shut down for the biggest family day of the year. As he dropped us at Plaza Espana, our young…

Gondolas, St. Mark's Square, at pre-dawn blue hour. Serenity.

Venezia at Dawn

For all the bustling and bursting at the seams that Venice experiences throughout the hot and muggy day and long into the warm yet pleasant nights way past midnight, it is the silent spiritual mornings that stir your soul. With…