Right Place, Right Time: The Weather
We walk thorugh photography examples of being at the right place at the right time, when it comes to weather. Photographs that get elevated because of really inclement weather.
The largest of the SS concentration camps existed at the Auschwitz complex – a network of 2 large camps and 45 other satellite camps within a couple of miles of each other. The seed was sown at what is known…
On July 24th, 1912, the first International Conference on Eugenics was held in London[1]. A veritable who’s who attended – from Winston Churchill to Alexander Graham Bell, to the famed author, H. G. Wells, who staunchly supported the “sterilization of…
How LongOver approximately 10 days, we drove through parts of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and touched south-western Poland for one sole purpose – to visit the camps at Auschwitz. The Czech Republic and Hungary have quite a few stunners…